Highway Clean Up

The Adopt -a-Highway Project was brought to the club in 1998 and we renewed our commitment in 2008 with Manitoba Infrastructure. We started out spending the weekend out at Campers cove with our families and Conservation issued us free camping passes. As the project evolved we spent the evening after clean up at various cabins or homes in town then a number of years ago Gary Kozun offered his cabin at Clearwater Lake to our families to attend an amazing lunch/supper after the clean up. Gary and Donna have hosted this for members, families and guests for a number of years now and the spread of food is amazing. FYI, we have picked approx 100 bags of garbage per year for the past 19 years. That’s 1900 bags full at an average of 10 pounds per bag. That’s 19000 lbs of garbage picked on PR287 between PTH 10 and the airport access. This area covers 11 km of road or 22km of ditches

2017 Clean Up

2016 Clean Up

2015 Clean Up