Kin Canada Bursaries is a program of the Hal Rogers Endowment Fund, supported by Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin clubs, and public donations, across the country. Each year, $1,000 bursaries are awarded to successful Canadian applicants who are pursuing post-secondary education at a recognized university, community college, technical institute and other schools for advanced education.
Of the bursaries awarded, there are four named bursaries: The “Diana Lyn McKenna Memorial Bursary” to a student from Ontario in the Health/Sciences field, the Bob Pittman Bursary for a Business student, the Kevin Denbok Bursary for Music students and the Winnipeg Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo Bursary awarded to a District 2 student.
The Pas Kinsmen annually contribute to this fund and nominate 1 person each year from the applications we receive. We are proud that the last 3 years have seen our candidate selected.
2015-16 Ashley Tye
2014-15 Lindley Trampe
2013-14 Lindsay Harkness